What You Should Bring

So you've been invited to perform at a Catch-22 event. Now your wondering what you need to bring. Start with your gear. Whatever you normally use, Amps, drums, guitar, PA, whatever. If you don't have something you need, let us know. We will do our best to see that we have it for you to use on show day. We want you to show your talent and we want you to enjoy yourself. The whole idea here is to allow you to experience live shows and get a feel for what to expect. A chance to hone your stage presence and your live performance.

We don't ask for any payment from the bands or the venue. We are publicly supported and 100% of all money donated is used for show production and equipment. Nothing is taken for administration.


We are currently seeking sponsors to help us realize our goals. If you know someone that might like to become a sponsor or if you would like to become a sponsor please contact us.
Would you like to make a donation? Use PayPal.com it's painless. Send any amount to donations@c22p.org we will send you a tax deductible donation reciept. Or click the button for a secure link to our PayPal donation page.

We are offering to hang a 2ft X 3ft banner with your information at each of our shows through the summer 2011 call for details.

Catch 22 Productions, Inc
A NonProfit Corporation
P.O. Box 1261 Victorville, CA.92393